Tested CAVP_DPL pressure transducer output versus that of the CAVP_DPR transducer. The output voltage was the same before going into the DSM. The pressure transducer will not be swapped out.
Swapped Analog card in DSM 305 (S/N 1706 - In) Chris requested that the original card be placed back into the stack. *Initially powered ON in cabin. This card functions but the cals seem worse now than when they were last in DSM 305. The DSM has not yet been powered ON and tested in the Nose due to excessive rain and water dripping directly onto the enclosure/card stack.
Swapped Vicor Power Supply in MPDB. Tested, fully functional.
David Allbee
Blew out all pressure lines in Radome.
Blew out DPL and DPR
Tested CAVP_DPL pressure transducer output versus that of the CAVP_DPR transducer. The output voltage was the same before going into the DSM. The pressure transducer will not be swapped out.
Swapped Analog card in DSM 305 (S/N 1706 - In) Chris requested that the original card be placed back into the stack. *Initially powered ON in cabin. This card functions but the cals seem worse now than when they were last in DSM 305. The DSM has not yet been powered ON and tested in the Nose due to excessive rain and water dripping directly onto the enclosure/card stack.
Swapped Vicor Power Supply in MPDB. Tested, fully functional.
CDP cals were not performed due to rain.
Kurt Zrubek
Dave, sounds like the DSM is soaked, good call on not powering up until dry. Glad you got the MPDB 28VDC Vicor replaced! So maybe not a bad xducer.