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  1. RF09

    April 2, 2024

    Tech: Aaron Gunlock


    No satcom

    started research power up ~0630

    DSM 323 error on start up, cycled power on the unit and cleared the error

    APU Start 0730

    Engine Start 0745

    Taxi 0755

    Take Off 0801

    Cameras didn't initial the first try using the desktop icon, stopped the process and used a terminal command on the next try and they came up

    0815 Satcom is still down, had the FE cycle the breaker in the cockpit

    0824 temp for the HVPS was tracking low, cycled the breaker

    1014-1018 lost VXCEL while descending through clouds, the rest of flight VXCEL would drop for 5-10 seconds while moving through any significant clouds

    ~1300 the CVI temps started climbing towards upper bounds, had the FE turn down the cabin heat

    1602 landed and started shutdown