Re-Installed TTRL Temp Amp in Radome Environmental Box.
Calibrated RTF1.
Checked Drain Lines - no moisture accumulation at this time.
Checked Butanol level in RAF CN - Good, no need to fill.
Cleaned all Radiometer Optics - Heimanns (Top and Bottom) and IR/VIS (Top and Bottom).
Cleaned VCSEL mirrors.
Cleaned Down Camera Window.
Cleaned Probe Optics - CDP x2, 2D-S, HVPS, 2D-C.
Re-Seated SATCOM box in Overhead. Will test the next time the plane is on the ramp. Visual inspection of connectors was good.
Installed a temporary Ethernet cable from a computer in the MARLi bench to the right bulkhead. This will likely be added permanently (for the project) so MARLi can be used to help detect icing conditions in flight.
CFDC group reported no sample flow from the CVI Inlet. Used compressed air to blow from inside the cabin out through the inlet. Did not notice any debris exit the inlet, but this fixed this issue. CFDC reconnected their inlet line and reported good flow at their instrument.
Added D-Rings to the floor next to ADS seat and behind L-5 seat.
Placed extra bungee cords on the plane back by the Lav.
Found only one spare headset to replace the one that broke during TF01. More should be purchased.
Removed and modified HOLODEC hard drive box to help with overheating problem. (R-6)
Cleaned connections on 2D-C USB cable and DSM. Secured USB cable with zip ties.
Blew out DPT and DPB. No moisture found.
Inspected pressure lines in Radome. Small amount of water in ADIFR Top drain line. Drained.
Swapped primary dry air cylinder for CVI.
Strange occurrence with acserver late in the day. Seemed to lose all UDP variables when a user walked between the R-1 rack and the FS245 bulkhead. Likely just a coincidence. Janine looked into the problem... She can provide details. It took a long time to get data back and we were unable to reproduce the error. Stopping data_acq and restarting with a new file name finally fixed the data feed.
I noticed the loss of all UDP data in the hangar at RAF a couple times. Unclear what is going on. But the GPS is the most obvious way to notice this. If GG* goes nan, dig in right away. We'll look into a work around until we can solve the issue.
RSTT powered on fine this morning. Sprayed all connectors with contact cleaner. Observed today with no dropouts.
Swapped zero-air cylinder for CVI.
Fixed damaged dump line at L-1 rack.
Windows Laptops are not syncing time to timeserver, they are ~ 0.5 seconds offset. In settings, the "Update Now" does not manually fix this. Janine has further information.
Replaced desiccant, purged, and cleaned HVPS. Tested - good.
Replaced desiccant, purged, and cleaned 2D-S. Tested - good.
Cleaned IRT, VIST, RSTT.
*When 2D-S probe was pulled for servicing, a set screw was found that had come loose from the laser alignment. The screw was replaced, but not so much that it would affect the alignment of the laser.
Blew out all radome pressure lines from transducer fittings toward drain ports. Moisture found in T-fitting of QCR. Moisture also found in drain lines.
Verified IRS3 is connected to both Control Boxes of Stabilized Platforms. Top Control Box uses twinax cable. Bottom Control Box uses an ARINC specific shielded twisted pair.
Troubleshot noise issues on Engine 2 Velocimeter. No indication of bad continuity. Cables were secured with zip ties. Will monitor during next flight.
Troubleshooting of RF08 smoke event. Found blown fuse in parallel cable on RH bus Slave 1 (inverter #8). Swapped out paralleling cable with spare and removed #8 inverter from RH bus circuit. Will continue project operating on 5 of 6 inverters.
Investigated blown circuit breaker on right wing pod 400Hz. Found 400Hz connector in RW Pod to be loose. Upon further inspection, pin B was misaligned and did not seat into its mating socket causing damage and likely resulting in the popped circuit breaker. 400Hz is not used during CAESAR so the connector was coiled and stowed and the breaker is locked out.
Power and Access provided for users to assess any damage incurred during RF08 power drop. This time was also utilized to determine the operational health of the power system.
At end of day we believe the power system is mission ready.
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
Strange occurrence with acserver late in the day. Seemed to lose all UDP variables when a user walked between the R-1 rack and the FS245 bulkhead. Likely just a coincidence. Janine looked into the problem... She can provide details. It took a long time to get data back and we were unable to reproduce the error. Stopping data_acq and restarting with a new file name finally fixed the data feed.
Christopher Webster
I noticed the loss of all UDP data in the hangar at RAF a couple times. Unclear what is going on. But the GPS is the most obvious way to notice this. If GG* goes nan, dig in right away. We'll look into a work around until we can solve the issue.
David Allbee
David Allbee
Unpacked / organized air shipment.
Checked butanol level - ok
Performed calibrations on both CDP probes.
2D-C diode voltages = 3.5, 2.7, 1.9
Cleaned 2D-C mirrors.
Applied heat sink compound to 2D-C tip heater cartridges.
Cleaned glass on IRT, VIST, RSTT
Cleaned glass on IRB, VISB, RSTB, RSTB1
Cleaned HVPS windows.
Cleaned DPT / DPB mirrors and blew out flags. Ground tested - good.
Installed PHIPS and user tested.
Installed Point to Point internet between OPS Center and aircraft. Functions well. To be removed before flight.
CVI inlet contamination traced to loose valve on control box. Tightening fittings believed to have solved the problem.
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
Education and Outreach Open House.
*When 2D-S probe was pulled for servicing, a set screw was found that had come loose from the laser alignment. The screw was replaced, but not so much that it would affect the alignment of the laser.
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
David Allbee
RF08 scrubbed today due to snowfall.
David Allbee
RF08 scrubbed today due to snow accumulation on aircraft.
David Allbee
At end of day we believe the power system is mission ready.
David Allbee
All instruments are functioning nominally according to the variables available while in the hangar - we are mission ready.
No further research flights will be done due to aircraft issues.
David Allbee