Flight: RF05
Date: 08/03/21
Tech: Richard Freeman

Takeoff: 14:42
Landing: 21:52

Pre-flight Notes:
-Had to restart the timeserver and data aquisition due to INS alignment issue.
-No ground connection through Satcom.
-VN300 would not sync to timeserver. Laptop shows no internet connection.

Flight Notes:
14:50 - No VCSEL2 data. Reset breakers at R5 rack with no result. Status lights on ethernet jack indicate a good network connection. Prior to reset all 3 status indictors were on. After reset only 1 would turn on. (4 attempts were made to restart over the duration of the flight)

16:47 - 15 second drop in IRS variables. LON_A, LAT_A, AKRD, and PALTF variables. Numerous dropouts throughout the flight.

20:35 - DSM304 Critical Status, IRIG Extended Status: NO_SYNC, NOOPPS_LOCK, NO_CODE, NOSYNC. Resetting DSM fixed status error, but still showed NO_CODE and IRIG-UNIX=1.000 flags.

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1 Comment

    • I am not sure why you had to restart timeserver and daq.  They don't care about INS data.  timeserver has its own GPS antenna feed. I could see needing to restart satcom.
    • It is unclear to me what happened with satcom.  The Thrane & Thrane page should a connection with IP address and we were getting UDP position data from that address on the ground.  I could not ssh to that IP and no other services worked.
    • There appear to be ten gaps of duration 9 seconds in dsm304 sprinkled throughout the flight.  Will look at logs when we get power.