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  1. 01Oct2019


    Flight Tech: Ed K


    DPL is blue, CavP_DPL=1060hPa, DPR  in re-balance, CavP_DPR=nan

    RWO 10um EDVs low - no action taken

    1207 Taxi

    1210 Takeoff

    1218 DPR is blue

    1224 LWO DSM dropout - came back by itself 2x

    1232 RWO 10um EDVs back - no action was taken

    1243 CavP_DPL= -47hPa => railed, DPL was plotting or kinda working

    1256 Stop and restart data acq & nimbus for Chris W (not onboard)

    1257 Nimbus status goes from ok to warning on occasion, side effect of CW's change (ignore it)

    1258 Reboot RWO DSM 2x

    1307 DPL plotting again, highly unstable CavP_DPL=low & oscillating, CavP_DPR=372hPa

    1311 Reboot RWO 10um probe & DSM

    1314 Stop and restart just nimbus for Chris W

    1413 RWO DSM dropout - came back by itself 2x

    1413 Rice baseline from 1.0 to 0.5V

    1443 RWO DSM dropout - came back by itself 7x

    1516 Rice baseline from 0.5 to 0.9V

    1613 RWO DSM dropout - did not come back

    1620 Reboot RWO 10um probe & DSM

    1626 RWO DSM dropout - came back by itself

    1742 Land

    BDIFR went a little low (~from 0 to -2 hPa) at times during the flight - it tracked SSRD when it went a little low

    Could not even look at nose P-lines postflight - it started pouring soon after general tech postflight tasks