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  1. Tech - Dave


    Taxi - 1557

    Takeoff - 1601

    Landed in Sac. to Refuel - 1811

    Taxi - 1937

    Takeoff - 1944

    Landed in Kona - 0102

    Unable to VNC into 2D-S GUI.

    *1616 - GCR not reporting data on AEROS. Cycled power on GCR. Still no data.

    1619 - UHSAS Pump powered on

    *1636 - CDP not reporting data on AEROS. Cycled power on CDP. Still no data.

         *Pulled up another AEROS window and looked at GCR and CDP. All data was reporting fine. **The AEROS configuration that I was using was saved during an older .xml. Something about the variable names may have changed causing AEROS to get confused. SEs will likely have more info on this. It is an easy fix for the AEROS user...but hard to recognize instrument failure from AEROS trickery.

    1702 - Stopped and restarted UHSAS for Mike R.

    1747 - Last camera image recorded.

    Unable to restart the cameras using the icon, terminal command, or from the ground...

    On the ground in Sac...

          Catherine D. and I chatted/troubleshot the camera issue and found that the only way to get them back online was to do a full server reboot. Cory was also on chat and he preferred getting the cameras back to losing up to 15 minutes of ground data.

    1908 - Rebooted ADS server.

     - After the first reboot, the 'start data acquisition' process did not work properly. After clicking the icon, the window came up, but it was entirely blank.

     - I had to do a second reboot of the server. This time everything worked fine.

    I asked Catherine to start the cameras from the ground after takeoff in case there were any issues. Cameras worked just fine for the whole leg to Kona.

    2040 - Stopped and restarted UHSAS.

  2. Apologies on the GCR & CDP.  The locations were corrected.  CDP was listed on RWO and it is on LWO.  GCR was listed on a wing when it is in the cabin.

  3. We thought we had a fix for the start_cameras from an icon.  But apparently we introduced the zombie process thing when it dies or quits.  We will restore it and continue to work on the start via icon.