Share what you are working on with atmospheric chemistry modeling e.g. MUSICA and CAM-chem and WRF-Chem: submit your details with this google form.
Name/contact | Institute/ Organization | Description of project/s | Date updated |
University of Arizona | Using CAM-Chem & MUSICA for global modeling and analysis of atmospheric composition (e.g., CO, CH4, OH, H2, CO2, H2O) and chemical data assimilation. | 2024-10-24 | |
Mary Barth | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Lead of MUSICA and SIMA activities. Evaluating MUSICAv1 (on the MPAS grid) convection over SE Asia. Analyzing aerosol scavenging. Evaluating the sensitivity of lighning NOx to grid scale, with the goal to develop scale aware lightning NOx. | 2025-01-29 |
Martina Bramberger | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Whole Atmsophere Working Group Co-Chair. Impact of vertical resolution on the stratosphere. Inter-comparison and improvement of the QBO. Mid-Top model comparison with WACCM to provide guidelines on when and where to use each model. | 2025-01-29 |
NSF NCAR/ACOM | CESM Chemistry Climate Working Group (CCWG) Community Science Co-Liaison. MUSICA Evaluation and Data Assimilation working group co-lead. Evaluating fire pollution impact on local and distant air quality. Quantifying the two-way feedback between climate and chemistry. Developing regional refined grid over Australia to study the 2019/2020 extreme wildfire season. Processes QFED fire emissions for use in CESM. | 2025-01-29 | |
Louisa Emmons | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Using MUSICAv0 for analysis of ASIA-AQ field campaign. Analyzing air quality simulations in MUSICAv0 with a multi-region refined grid over North America, Europe and Asia. Evaluating updated chemistry mechanisms. Improving FINN for Thailand. CMIP7 preparation. | 2025-01-29 |
Ari Feinberg | IQF-CSIC | Simulation of the global atmospheric mercury (Hg) cycle in CESM2. | 2024-10-30 |
David Fillmore | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Aerosol nudging with MODIS aerosol retrievals to contribute to CERES dataset. | 2023-01-25 |
Benjamin Gaubert | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Ensemble data assimilation, emission-driven methane simulations, MUSICA Evaluation and Data Assimilation working group co-lead. Preparing CMIP7 emissions for use in CESM. TEMPO NO2 validation with MELODIES MONET. | 2025-01-29 |
Alma Hodzic | NSF NCAR/ACOM | MUSICA CONUS benchmark simulations 2022-2024, focusing on aerosol evaluation. Comparing with ASCENT ground station network. | 2025-01-29 |
Shawn Honomichl | NSF NCAR/ACOM | CESM Chemistry Climate Working Group (CCWG) Community Science Co-Liaison. Chemistry forecasting with WACCM and WRF-Chem. ADF contributions for chemistry analysis. ACCLIP field campaign evaluation. | 2025-01-29 |
Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa | CU CIRES / NOAA GML | Impact of local emissions in South America using MUSICAv0. | 2024-11-13 |
Duseong Jo | Seoul National University | Improve alkane chemistry (T3S). Secondary organic aerosol improvements, semi-volatile POA. Adding new fire emissions in IVOC, SVOC categories. Chemistry-cloud interactions. (formerly at NSF NCAR/ACOM) | 2024-10-29 |
James King | University of Sheffield | Chemistry feedbacks from nature-based carbon dioxide removal strategies; multi-scale chemistry modelling with MUSICA over the UK; emissions from wildfires in the context of climate change and afforestation/reforestation proposals. | 2024-10-30 |
Danny Leung | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Improving spatiotemporal variability of CAM-Chem dust and heterogeneous dust chemistry. Contributions to AEROCOM. | 2025-01-29 |
Qinyi Li | Shandong University | Global atmospheric reactive halogen chemistry simulation. | 2024-10-24 |
Pablo Lichtig | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Simulating and evaluating air pollution over South America: Model intercomparison of MUSICA, CHIMERE, WRF-CHEM and EMEP. Developing MELODIES MONET to evaluate Colorado State Implementation plan. | 2025-01-29 |
Noribeth Mariscal | Wayne State University | Analyzing urban air quality using MUSICAv0 with regional refinement (1/16-deg) over Michigan, U.S. Emission perturbation/sensitivity studies. | 2025-01-29 |
Mohammad Amin Mirrezaei | University of Arizona | Using CAM-chem to investigate uncertainty in the global methane budget in emission-driven methane simulations. Analysis of ozone pollution over Arizona using MUSICAv0, with a comparison to WRF-chem. | 2025-01-29 |
Ajay Parottil | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Using WRF-Chem to investigate aerosol convective transport and scavenging efficiency in deep convection. | 2025-01-29 |
Gabriele Pfister | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Evaluation of ASIA-AQ field campaign with different WRF-Chem configurations. | 2025-01-29 |
Ilaria Quaglia | NSF NCAR/ACOM | (1) Integration of solid material injection (e.g. alumina and calcite) into the CARMA box model and CESM2 coupled with the sectional aerosol scheme CARMA. (2) Evaluation of WACCM6-CARMA performance in simulating volcanic eruptions as part of the HTMOC (Hunga Tonga intercomparison) project. | 2025-01-30 |
Behrooz Roozitalab | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Adding Very Short Lived (VSL) halogen chemistry in CAM-chem and MUSICA. Long-term emission inventory of halocarbons. Using WACCM and MUSICA to study short lived halogens during ACCLIP and DCOTSS . Developed India grid in MUSICAv0. | 2025-01-29 |
Warren (Ren) Smith | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Convective transport of trace gases and aerosols to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, with specific emphasis on the Asian summer monsoon. | 2024-11-13 |
Wenfu Tang | NSF NCAR/ACOM | (1) Improving simulations of fires and fire impacts in MUSICA and CAM-chem; including plume rise and diurnal cycle (2) MUSICA and CAM-chem application in Africa; developed the Afric grid for MUSICAv0 (3) Wildland Urban Interface studeis (WUI) (4) Using MUSICA with MPAS dycore for ASIA-AQ analysis. | 2025-01-29 |
Simone Tilmes | NSF NCAR/ACOM | CESM Chemistry Climate Working Group Co-chair. CAM-chem development, evaluation, chemistry-aerosol-climate interactions. CESM/CARMA development. CESM3 development and CMIP7 preparation. | 2023-01-25 |
Shane Marie Visaga | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Air quality impacts of biomass burning transport during the 2019 CAMP2Ex using MUSICAv0 with regional refinement over Southeast Asia | 2024-11-14 |
Francis Vitt | NSF NCAR/ACOM | CESM Chemistry Climate Working Group (CCWG) Software Liaison. Expert in model development. Developing CAM-chem on MPAS regional refined. Software Engineer/Programmer. | 2025-01-29 |
Antonio Viudez-Mora | NASA Langley Research Center | Nudging assimilated MODIS/VIIRS AODs with the CAM-Chem aerosol scheme for CERES SARB Edition 5 Aerosol Products. | 2023-04-15 |
Jun Zhang | NSF NCAR/ACOM | MUSICA evaluation, NOx tagging. Evaluating L58 model. Using ACCLIP field campaign measurements. | 2023-01-25 |
Yingxiao Zhang | NSF NCAR/ACOM | Fire modeling evaluation. Chemical composition differences from different fire types. | 2025-01-29 |
Previous Projects (completed)
Name/contact | Institute/ Organization | Description of project/s | Date updated |
Sebastian Eastham | Imperial College, UK | Interfacing CESM and GEOS-Chem (formerly at MIT). | 2023-01-25 |
Hannah Horowitz | University of Washington | Adding blowing snow sea salt emissions to study its radiative effects and predict changes in future climate. | 2019-02-27 |
Forrest Lacey | NSF NCAR/RAL | Implementing chemistry into spectral elements grid with regional refinement. Research focus includes modeling anthropogenic influences on ambient air quality and estimating the related health impacts. | 2018-06-13 |
Haipeng Lin | Harvard University | Intercomparison of CAM-chem and GEOS-Chem chemistry within CESM; Implementation of the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) in CAM-chem/MUSICA. | 2023-01-25 |
Rebecca Schwantes | NOAA | Improving simulated surface Ozone in CAM-chem by 1) Updating and adding more complexity to the current chemical mechanism for isoprene and terpene oxidation, 2) Testing different NO emission inventories and assumptions, and 3) Testing the impact of model resolution including using the new Spectral Element version of CAM-chem, which has the capability for regional refinement. | 2018-04-03 |
Maria Val Martin | Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation (LC3M), University of Sheffield | Works on atmosphere/biosphere/climate interactions; currently using CESM2 (CAM-chem/CLM5) to quantify unintended feedbacks on the Earth system from land-based CO2 removal strategies. | 2019-03-13 |
Siyuan Wang | NOAA/CIRES | Developing an online air-sea exchange module for trace gases for CESM, in order to better understand the broader impacts of ocean on the atmospheric budgets of an array of compounds of interests, such as oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs), halogenated VOCs, etc. | 2018-04-15 |
Najib Yusuf | NASRDA Centre for Atmospheric Research, Nigeria | Using CAM-chem with different emissions inventories to compare with ground-based, aircraft and satellite observations in order to study AQ and climate impacts over Nigeria. | 2018-09-28 |
Haipeng Zhang | Nanjing University | Using CAM-chem to investigate what causes the variation in low-cloud cover over China in recent years. | 2018-09-29 |
Yuqiang Zhang | Duke University | Using CAM-Chem to investigate regional emission changes on global tropospheric ozone burden; To study the intercontinental transport of air pollution from China to western US. | 2018-10-10 |