March 1, 2007 meeting
1:00 PM Damon Room
Participants: Phil Rasch, Francis Vitt, Mariana Vertenstein, Erik Kluzek, Brian Eaton, Peter Hess
Action items
- Mariana – setup meeting to meet with everyone
- Francis – create trop-mozart version from Chemistry preprocessor for this case
- Francis – checkin tuning code mods and new trop-mozart directory to trunk
- Peter and/or Francis – give Erik examples of datasets needed for trop-mozart
- Brian E. – change configure for this case
- Erik – meet with Dani on Monday regarding datasets, testing – done
- Erik – start figuring this stuff out
- Erik – modify datasets so time-series and units are correct for trop-mozart
- Erik – give time-series plots of emissions for each species
- Erik – get dataset testing from Dani to validate new datasets
- Erik – debug so simulations should work
- ???? – actually run the production simulations?
- Horizontal resolutions is 1.9x2.5
- Use trop-mozart as new directory for this case of 16 tracers
- Convert datasets to trop-mozart units and change time-series from 10-year monthly to monthly per year
- Interpolate input datasets to model grid resolution – offline
- Large datasets are OK
- Have trop-mozart replicate functionality of Byron's GHG module
- Use same volcanic dataset and CO2 ramping as for last IPCC simulation (for the CCSM simulation)
- Use dust and sea-salt if at all possible
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