CLM3.5 Release


  • Off-line only
  • Limited support, not support for porting to new platforms
  • NOT supported on IRIX (such as tempest) or Linux with Pathscale compiler
  • Will include CN, CASA', dust, DGVM – but NOT supported – contact relevent folks
  • Will include RTM – fully supported in the same sense of other options
  • Dust may or may not work – that's OK
  • Spun-up initial conditions for T42 64x128 (no other resolutions) for offline (NOT for CN, DGVM, or CASA')
  • Surface dataset for standard offline but NOT CN (contact Peter)
  • Standard PFT dataset – contact Sam to get modified pft-phisiology for use with DGVM
  • No update to documentation except in README and support_level, caveat text files
  • Expect to release and announce release in the first week of May
  • Include one year of NCEP atm forcing from Qian (Dec/2003-Feb/2004) – but also provide info on how to get from MSS

    Machines known to work on: (NOT providing support for problems even here)

  • Lahey lf95 compiler
  • PGI pgf90 compiler

    CLM3.5 Known Bugs List

  • List of Known bugs in CLM3.5

    Action items Left:

  • Erik K. : test with tar-files
  • Gary S.: Put source on ESG
  • Erik K.: Test with tar-files put on ESG
  • Emily D : Send public announcment

    List of files to release:

  • rw-r-r- 3300/3545 15332128 Apr 5 10:19 2007 inidata_3.1/offline/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/100 28709624 Apr 6 14:44 2007 surfdata/
  • rw-rw-r-- 3657/100 461020 Aug 29 12:07 2006 griddata/
  • rw-rw-r-- 3657/100 197908 Aug 29 12:07 2006 griddata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/100 230640 Jan 10 11:29 2007 griddata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 4465 Mar 8 16:57 2007 pftdata/pft-physiology.c070207
  • r-rr- 4648/3612 149886808 Jan 19 12:55 2001 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 20741768 Nov 8 12:38 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 4152960 Nov 8 12:38 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 5189916 Nov 8 12:38 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 4648/3612 4153496 Oct 27 15:00 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 4152964 Nov 8 12:36 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 4152960 Nov 8 12:38 2006 rawdata/
  • rw-r-r- 3300/3612 849145556 Nov 8 12:38 2006 rawdata/
  • r-rr- 1 mvertens cgdcsm 7001644 Jan 29 2001 rawdata/
  • r-rr- 1 slevis cgdcsm 7851752 Oct 26 16:26 rtmdata/rdirc.05.061026
  • Qian dataset: on MSS and one year Dec/2002 - Feb/2004

    Things left to do:

  • Prepare tar file of code, put tar files and documentation on web
  • Test that tar files on ESG work
  • Make public announcement of release

    Action items completed:

  • Test run scripts: bluevista, blueice, bangkok
  • Run full test-suite on release branch
  • Put any fixes on release branch on development trunk
  • Prepare tar files of new datasets: T42, mksrf datasets
  • Put tar files on ESG
  • Create clm3.5 tag
  • Create release branch
  • Delete any code NOT being released? (seq, con testing)
  • Remove clm3.0 documentation as it's wrong for this verison (doc/Dev, doc/UsersGuide/, and doc/CodeReference)
  • Remove convert_ascii
  • Remove ability of scripts to turn on: CN, dust etc. (leave RTM in)
  • Remove run-frost.csh
  • Peter T.: PFT dataset for CN @ T42, Erik created this (DONE)
  • Erik K.: Testing, mklai fix, mkgrid fix, scripts, MSS problem, bug-fixes, (DONE)
  • Tony C.: Fix changes DONE
  • Dave L.: Documentation DONE
  • Dave L.: Add documentation of new forcing data. (use readme from MSS) DONE
  • Keith O.: Control simulation, Initial dataset DONE
  • Nan R.: CReate surface datasets at all needed resolutions. DONE

    Completed Task list:

  • Erik: Remove CLM3.0 documentation
  • Dave L: Update release web page for comments for CN etc.
  • Keith O: Update documentation in code.
  • Keith O: Run a simulation to verify answers are reasonable
  • Dave L. will take the first stab at documentation DONE
  • Peter T. will create a new raw dataset for PFT for CN DONE
  • mklai fix and new datasets for all resolutions (for local NCAR use)
  • mkgrid doesn't work on bluevista (clm3_expa_97 fixes) DONE
  • Tony fix things broken from the clm3_expa_93 commit (clm3_expa_96) DONE
  • Peter Nitrogen limitation fix (done) (clm3_expa_95) DONE
  • Fix scripts so that you can remake OK (clm3_expa_97 fixes) DONE
  • As of tag-91 last file doesn't go to MSS (clm3_expa97 fixes) DONE
  • Resolve bugs: 361, 366, 389, 337, 302 (IRIX, SPMD, RTM, timers, testing) (clm3_expa_97 fixes) DONE
  • Control simulation at T42 DONE
  • Test-suite requirements: blueice, bluevista, bangkok, current dyn-PFT, CN – DONE
  • Remove IRIX build,scripts and tests (clm3_expa_97 fixes) DONE
  • Testing: (test-suite working on) DONE
    • blueice
    • bluevista
    • bangkok, lahey
    • CAM testing pass (although not released)
  • Evaluate documentation (provide some text files on changes, put minimal effort here) DONE
  • Add copyright license DONE
  • Update copyright license DONE

    Things won't fix:

  • Testing: (test-suite working on)
    • lightning (not required)
    • jaguar (not required)
    • phoenix (not required)
    • CCSM testing (CCSM testing can't be completed because of timing library change)

      Things NOT required:

  • Get test_suite working on lightning, jaguar and phoenix (NOT required)
  • Improve test-suite for dynamic-land-use, DGVM and CN more resolutions and configurations (NOT required)
  • Fix irad/dtime consistency problem on restart? NO!!!!
  • TwoStream floating point problem fix? NO!!!
  • Address Leap-year issue? NO!!!!
  • mksurfdata consistency check not working.
  • mksurfdata testing with test dataset with known answer – not done.
  • Log of soil texture changes for mksurfdata looks strange for input vs. output (it isn't normalized to land-fraction).
  • No labels