RTM Software Engineering Tasks (in order of precedence):
- Resolve problems with R01 at higher processor counts
- Implement a dlnd that will allow scientists to run RTM to run offline and allow SE's to test RTM in isolation
- Fix RTM problem of restarts that fail when time intervals are less than a day boundary. see: http://bugs.cgd.ucar.edu/show_bug.cgi?id=1659
- Remove dead code (intel codecov indicates a number of unused subprograms, branches)
- Make sure RTM memory behavior is correct (valgrind & vtune)
- Make sure openMP is robust. Test MPI/openMP combinations
- Make sure data passed to procedures is going through the explicit interface and not via pointer.
- Testing framework
- Goal is to make sure 80% of all code (at the basic block level) is tested while also covering scientifically valid options
- Finalize functional testing
- Put structural testing in place
- Test failure modes (eg. rdirc file with bad directions)
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