Agenda for Jan/6/2006 Sequential CCSM Stage-1 meeting.
- Name suggestions from Brian K.
- Change xxx_gc into gc_xxx (i.e gc_lnd)
- Change xxxhub_gc into gc_mrg_h2x (i.e gc_mrg_h2l)
- Change xxxxxx_cpl into cc_map_x2x (i.e. atmlnd_cpl into cc_map_a2l goes both ways)
Adopt these.
- At top level states things like h2a_a, layers below: Sh2a_a and Fh2a_a (make Xh2a_a at top level?)
- Program format: subroutines, hubs gridded components or direct calls?
Hubs should be gridded compontents.
Direct calls not a good idea for the future when you want to control the PE's everything is running on.
- Compare two versions of codes.
- share code:
- shr_input_mod.F90
- shr_ncscalar_mod.F90 – name it shr_ncio_mod.F90, later add shr_ncread_mod.F90 to it?
- shr_timemgr_mod.F90
Does x2x_? states really need the x2h_? direction state? – No...
Use "eshr_" code for codes that convert to ESMF types, using public get/put methods for the type itselt.
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