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4.4 CCSM Quality Control

Quality Control for CCSM runs consists of three parts: scientific validation
of each component, scientific validations of the entire coupled model and a
software testing suite which spans the entire CCSM. The CCSM change review
board uses both the scientific and software testing results when evaluating
proposed CCSM upgrades.
Requirements for overall CCSM data quality control should be developed.
Possible Supporting Policy:

  1. Coordinate with Mike Wehner's QC system at LLNL
  2. The scientific validation process for each component is defined by each model working group and documented on each component web page.
  3. The coupled model scientific validation process is documented on the CCSM experiments page: http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/csm/experiments
  4. The CCSM software requirements describe the mandatory functionality of the CCSM from a software viewpoint. The CCSM test suite verifies that the CCSM software meets these requirements for the different CCSM release categories.
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