
Aug 13, 2014


John Clyne, Alan, Scot


  1. re-review param classes
  2. discuss VDC API (VDC.h, VDCNetCDF.h)


Alan walked us through the numerous change he had made to various params classes since our last meeting. All discussed changes had been made.

  • John asked if ParmNode class could be hidden from developers (only method that appears to be needed to write new param classes is GetNode(). Alan will explore.
  • Alan stated that the Box instance dynamically created inside of arrowparams.h was indeed being freed inside the params class. John asked Alan to document this.

Next steps for the vaporgui prototype are to review the arrowrender class. Alan will document the class and notify us when it's ready.

TF params need to be re-factored to use current Params interface. Alan doesn't think this should be done until we have a render params class ready that actually uses the TF (the arrow renderer does not).

Box class also needs to be re-factored. Alan pointed out that it had been hacked somewhat to support Pablos "moving regions". Need to decide what to do about these (support inside of Box class, support elsewhere, or abandon).

John gave an overview of VDC class, but ran out of time before we could discuss the API and its documentation

Action Items

Explore hiding ParamNode class from 3rd party developersalan
Review arrowrender.cpp class for next meetingjohn, scott