Data Analysis Services Group - December 2012
News and Accomplishments
VAPOR Project
Project information is available at:
TG GIG PY6 Award:
XD Vis Award:
John submitted the quarterly ARRA report for the XD Vis award.
KISTI Award:
A technical report on the KISTI award was submitted to NCAR's Sponsored Agreements office.
With a tremendous amount of help from Cecilia, John made arrangements for a KISTI-supported student to visit NCAR for two months starting in January. Seung-Hoon Lee will arrive on January 7, and will work with the VAPOR team to help improve VAPOR's ocean model data handling capabilities. Thanks to Cecilia for all of her efforts.
- We have identified the most important bugs to fix in the 2.2 release, and have fixed several of them. Several additional critical bugs were identified as a result of the Hurricane Sandy work.
- John fixed a number of problems related to rendering stretched grids.
- Alan made improvements in the keyframe animation capability so that users can synchronize the time-stepping in the data with the camera motion, enabling users to advance the time step each frame while positioning the camera at a specified location at a particular frame.
Education and Outreach:
- John organized the 3rd annual, half-day AGU Fall Meeting workshop, "Visual Data Analysis: Tools and Techniques for the Geophysical Sciences". Attendance was lighter this year then in the past (~20 people). The poorer showing is attributed in part to the AGU program misprinting the workshop date.
- Alan attended AGU2012 in San Francisco, and presented “Visualizing and Analyzing Massive Earth Science Data with VAPOR” at the aforementioned workshop.
- John organized a topical session on large data visualization at the inaugural Conference on Frontiers in Computational Physics: Modeling the Earth System, hosted by NCAR.
- Alan presented “Interactive Visualization of Massive Earth-Science Data with VAPOR” at the conference “Frontiers of Computational Physics: Modeling the Earth System” at NCAR the week of December 17-21.
Software Research Projects
Feature Tracking:
Climate data compression:
ASD Support
John produced a number of sample animations for Peter Ireland. Peter's group is running a 2048^3 turbulence simulation with particles.
Production Visualization Services & Consulting
- Worked with Hsaio-Ming Hsu on visualization of a Sahara dust storm from 2006. Using VAPOR we were able to explain several unusual patterns made by the dust as it traveled around obstacles in the desert.
- Alan worked with Mel Shapiro to visualize the life cycle of Hurricane Sandy. We made several video clips that Mel will be presenting at AMS2013 in a town hall on Hurricane Sandy in January.
Publications, Papers & Presentations
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Systems Projects
File System Space Management Project
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Accounting & Statistics Project
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Security & Administration Projects
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System Monitoring Project
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NWSC Planning & Installation
- John prepared a document for CSG describing the build process for ParaView on Geyser & Caldera:
System Support
Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters
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GLADE Storage Cluster
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Data Transfer Cluster
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Lynx Cluster
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