Data Analysis Services Group - September 2014
News and Accomplishments
VAPOR Project
Project information is available at:
KISTI Award:
Alan made several fixes to the isoline renderer, planned for VAPOR 2.4. It is now ready for final testing.
Prepared a tutorial and talk for the upcoming Korea Supercomputing Conference.
Jiwoo Lee, and atmospheric scientists from KISTI, arrived for a two month visit.
John and Alan were reviewers for the KISTI sponsored VAPOR visualization contests, which had 19 submissions.
Alan ported the GRIB API (from ECMWF) to work on Windows.
Scott implemented the following for the GRIMs converter:DCReader.h stubs, Metadata.h stubs an dCartographic extents using Proj4
Scott reviewed pressure equations for elevation variable and found that the Barometric formula yielded the best results
Scott began implementing CAM and GRIB UI options for the vdcwizard
2.4 Development:
3.0 Development:
John continued implementation and testing of the version 3.0 DataMgr.
John also implemented OpenGL error testing functions.
Alan and John had a conference call with Mark Hedley from ECMWF. He is interested in interfacing his python library in UCMWF to VAPOR, and we offered to provide assistance as needed.
The VAPOR group had a discussion about ways to improve the vapor GUI usability for 3.0. Scott proposed a reorganization of the tabs, which works very well with our proposed arranging of items to reduce the visual clutter for non-expert users. Alan and Scott are planning to work on developing a prototype UI to test these concepts
Education and Outreach:
Software Research Projects
Feature Tracking:
Climate data compression:
Production Visualization Services & Consulting
- Pete Johnsen (from Cray) created a 100m WRF simulation of the Boulder 2013 floods, which we hope to visualize. However we found (using VAPOR) that the terrain model he was using was not sufficiently accurate. He is figuring out how to use a 100m terrain model in WRF and will then rerun the model
- Scott created three visualizations of Peter Sullivan's LES model, which received positive feedback
John and Dave Hart authored the final report of the Workflow Working Group.
John also participated in the User Enviroments Working.
John reviewed several versions of the Draft Technical Specification and contributed to the DAV section.
Publications, Papers & Presentations
Submitted for publication to Pacific Vis: "Evaluating the Efficacy of Wavelet Compression for Turbulent-Flow Data"
Submitted for publication to IEEE TVCG :Feature-Based Wavelet Compression for Visualization
Systems Projects
Data Services
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Accounting & Statistics
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Security & Administration
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System Monitoring
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System Support
ML - Data Analysis & Visualization Clusters
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GLADE Storage Cluster
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Data Transfer Cluster
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Experimental Clusters
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Test Clusters
Storage Usage Statistics
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