Tentatively set for May 22, 2:30-4 PM
Location: GLOBE Conference Room, FL-4, 2nd Floor, West side
- Wendy Abshire
- Rebecca Batchelo
- Eileen Carpenter
- Lynne Davis
- Teri Eastburn
- Rebecca Haacker-Santos
- Kay Howe
- Jessica Mackaro
- Julie Malmberg
- Loretta Melhado
- Bruce Muller
- Raj Pandya
- Randy Russell
- Cindy Schmidt
- Jeff Weber
- Kristin Wegner
- Marianne Weingroff
- Emily CoBabe-Ammann, director of UCP, will introduce herself and talk about her vision for education at UCP and UCAR.
- Update on changes in Spark
- Brief discussion about "Hub" concept and efforts
- How do we want to organize this group?
- Open discussion/sharing of current projects of interest
- Set a time and topic for next meeting
Notes/Action Items:
Kristin and Julie volunteered to facilitate our next meeting for the week of July 14-20
The topic will center around distance learning offerings being conducted by the various UCP programs
Teri mentioned that some of us may be interested in checking out the Colorado DL Group monthly meeting being held on June. Info can be found here: http://www.colodla.org/
Jeff mentioned checking out the Unidata YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/unidatanews
Julie mentioned checking out the student competition on the GLOBE site: http://www.globe.gov/