Available data files:
20100912U1.1sec.txt 20100913U1.1sec.txt 20100914U2.1sec.txt 20100915U2.1sec.txt 20100916U3.1sec.txt 20100917U3.1sec.txt 20100918U3.1sec.txt 20100919U2.1sec.txt 20100921U1.1sec.txt
Files used in processing:
20100912U1.1sec.txt - odd flight pattern
20100913U1.1sec.txt - odd flight pattern
20100914U2.1sec.txt - odd flight pattern
20100918U3.1sec.txt - odd flight pattern
20100919U2.1sec.txt - odd flight pattern
20100921U1.1sec.txt - this flight includes a pass through Malakas, so this part of the file has been removed from the Fanapi flight file.
20140324 - JV Includes a number of flights with odd flight patterns. The final flight also includes a pass from another storm that should be excluded.
20140818 - JV 20100921U1.1sec.txt - this flight includes a pass through Malakas, so this part of the file has been removed from the Fanapi flight file.