Available data files:
19991012U1.10sec.txt 19991012U1.min 19991013U1.10sec.txt 19991013U1.min 19991014I1.1sec.txt 19991014U1.10sec.txt 19991015I1.1sec.txt 19991015U1.10sec.txt 19991015U1.min 19991015U2.min 19991016U1.10sec.txt 19991016U1.min 19991016U2.min 19991017U1.10sec.txt 19991017U1.min 19991017U2.10sec.txt 19991017U2.min 19991017U3.10sec.txt 19991017U3.min 19991018U1.min
Files used in processing:
19991014I1.1sec.txt - air-sea flight
19991015I1.1sec.txt - incorrect ferry leg masking
19991016U1.10sec.txt - this flight duration is 0.05 hrs
19991017U1.10sec.txt - this flight duration is 0.18 hrs
19991017U2.10sec.txt - this flight duration is 0.05 hrs
19991017U3.10sec.txt - this flight duration is 0.02 hrs
20140205 - JV Most files for this storm are in HDOBS format
19991016U2.10sec.txt – this file contains no data, so falling back to 19991016U2.min
20140304 - JV HRD has provided higher resolution data for this storm
20140326 - JV no .trak file
20140327 - JV 19991016U1.10sec.txt - this file is not linked from the HRD web site
19991016U2.10sec.txt - this file is not linked from the HRD web site
19991017U1.10sec.txt - this file is not linked from the HRD web site
19991017U2.10sec.txt - this file is not linked from the HRD web site
20140714 - JV HRD has now provided a .trak file