Project Scoping and Milestones for Flight Level Dataset
Project Milestones
Milestone 1: Update code to support conversion of all USAFR and NOAA data formats for flight level data and accompanying SFMR data for 2010 - 2012 seasons
This milestone was completed as of April 30, 2013.
All of the flight level data have now been processed for the 2010 - 2012 seasons. All of the flight level data (and accompanying SFMR data) for each storm have been read from the original source data files and written into NetCDF file per storm with standardized variable names. All of the data have now been visually checked by plotting the flight and SFMR data in earth relative coordinates. These "quick-look" plots are located at:
Effort needed to reach Milestone 1: 142.6 hrs. This includes all project setup activities.
Milestone 2: Finish code to conduct spatial averaging and binning of flight level and SFMR data
Work on this milestone has commenced as of April 30, 2013.
Milestone 3: Process all of 2010 - 2012 data into radial legs relative to moving storm center
Work on this milestone has commenced as of April 30, 2013.
Milestone 4: Determine appropriate method to track the model storm center in HWRF
Work on this milestone has commenced as of March 10, 2014. As an initial experiment, I will try using the HTCF output (5-second frequency).
Milestone 5: Implement simple sampling method (following Uhlhorn and Nolan 2011) to retrieve synthetic flight profiles from post-processed HWRF simulations (code to run on local desktop)
Work on this milestone has commenced as of March 28, 2014.
Milestone 6: Prepare documentation of codeset, "release" code into the the hwrf-contrib trunk
Milestone 7: Complete project report for DTC Visitor Program
Project Stretch Goals
Stretch Goal 1: Complete code to support conversion of all USAFR and NOAA flight level and SFMR data formats for 2005 - 2009 seasons (example, legacy netCDF and standard tape format)
This stretch goal was completed February 14, 2014 with funding from the RPI project. Readers have been written for formats all the way back to 1997 (excluding the standard tape format).
Stretch Goal 2: Process all 2005 - 2009 data into common formats
This stretch goal was completed February 14, 2014 with funding from the RPI project. Actually, data are now standardized all the way back to 1997.