GEOS-5 Meteorological Fields

GEOS-5 and MERRA meteorological fields have been processed for use with MOZART-4 (and MOZART-3 and CAM-chem) and are available on the Earth System Grid (  These files are available at 0.5x0.5 degree and 1.9x2.5 degree resolutions.  These files have 72 levels, but only 56 levels are needed for running MOZART-4.  In the preprocessor input file specify, under "Spatial Dimensions" (for 1.9x2.5): 

    Longitude points = 144

    Latitude  points = 96

    Vertical  points = 56

This will automatically use the lowest 56 levels of the met fields.  Then rerun the preprocessor and build a new version of the model using the new preprocessor output.

In the namelist file:

1) modify the dyn_flsp%nl_filename, dyn_flnm_prefix, etc. values to point to the GEOS5 files

2) remove the parameters oronm, phisnm, shflxnm, and qflxsc, as the GEOS5 files have these variables with the expected names and units

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