A smidge cooler.  Calm in the morning, breezy in the afternoon

Onsite: Matt, Mack, Steve

In the ongoing quest to get beautiful vertical profiles, we have extended the 7m boom away from the trailer tower, arguing that blockage by the tower might reduce the measured winds (even upstream).  Mack brought out some booms that had been used with the scaffolding towers that are a bit bigger, longer, and stiffer.  After reviewing several options this morning, we came up with the Mack "V".  It required a bit of hole drilling, but nothing major.  We found enough hardware to assemble everything (using 6 clamps at one level on the tt).  The tower was down from 1225-1730.  We were a bit delayed by a poorly-seated D15 connector on the nano.  Note that U-bolts now holding the EC-100 need to be loosened in order to open the EC100 box (done to avoid stretching cables).  Before extending back up, we also releveled the trailer that seemed to be a bit off.

Also unplugged t38's Victron from 1000 to 1455 to help diagnose t38's low-voltage issues.


  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    The wind speed profiles so far (since 18:00) still have a slight kink, though now appear to be monotonically increasing.  We'll keep watching...

  2. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Yesterday, t0 started having odd charging.  This evening, it catastrophically failed, with a total battery discharge.  Not sure the reason – maybe a cable issue.  We'll get it going first thing tomorrow.