Taken mostly from qctables:
Radiometers: not getting rpile.in, tcase.in, others reporting (tried pushing scan i2c button, didn't fix) → swapped in radiometer with right id for longwave in, now all reporting.
NR01: updated PIC code and plugged into uw. Isabel updated the configuration so data are expected.
Gsoil/qsoil/lambda: plugged in with latest PIC code. Getting data from all, qsoil values are slightly negative. Is this a problem?
Tsoils: all reporting, data looks good.
Pressure: all reporting, no data in qctables because it's outside clip limits which are set for Gothic. Data looks ok in ncharts.
TRH: all reporting (just replaced fuse + housing for 13m trh, it's reporting now but not yet making it to qctables), data looks good.
CSAT: all reporting after I swapped the sonic head on 10m.c (and previous resetting of some EC100's using ECmon). Some heads are intermittent, but I presume this will clear up in the field.
- all h2o reporting. Some heads were blocked by foam padding.
- alll co2 reporting, but about half are clipped. Hoping this will go away in the field.
- Note that, in the ECmon reconfiguring, I noticed 2 EC100 boxes that were set to force Tirga to 25C. I think these are all fixed now.
Pillows: working, needed reboot of cl
Flowcaps: getting data from both flowcaps. The second needed to have the power switch turned on its USB adaptor. Both are now configured to the averaging we want (30/30/300).
Apogee IR: all reporting. Raw values look good, Steve is working on debugging the surface temp calculation.
Tsnows: Currently plugged in to d and ue. (uw is done, but Chris is protecting the sensors so the cable doesn't reach.) Looks good.
Gps/chrony: finally started getting good GPS on uw, but just recently stopped getting good gps on ct. I'll look into it, see jira for more details. → ct fixed itself after I pulled the GPS antenna out to rest on the top of the dsm box.
Victrons: not staged, not planning to stage (actually want to stage at least one as part of a power drop test – Tony is building up power boxes for this)
Anything else I'm forgetting??