Scattered clouds with the usual temperatures and winds
Onsite: Gary, Matt, Steve (also for ISS)
Started the day by seeing the Solar Concentrator turn on at sunrise.
Outside work:
- Matt started the Leica scans that show us pretty close in setting stuff up. Boom angles are generally within 1 degree of design. tt heights are within 35cm of designed.
- I dressed the new t0 with hotfilm cables. Later, Gary installed some probes.
Trailer work:
- Found the bug in profile.plot() that wasn't averaging data, causing odd profile plots. Now we begin to see that indeed 7m seems to be a bit low, presumably due to flow blockage by the lower tt tower structure. Mack is bringing a couple of the long scaffolding booms from CME04 that we'll try to install on Monday. Reran webplots back to 16 July.
- Tested the spare CSAT3 some more and had 4 periods where up to 10 samples were dropped, during the heat of the day. I guess I'll declare it a working spare.
- Matt did dry soil core weighings for t49 and t23. Still haven't taken t2.