Please feel free to post any exceptional resources or tools specifically pertaining to online resources for educators or for teacher professional development that may inform our own practices within Spark:

Companies and/or Labs that may be on to something... 

CK-12 Foundation

PBS LearningMedia (used to be PBS Teach); Check out online PD offerings, too. Rumor has it, may go commercial.

Teachers Domain, Digital Media for the Classroom and Professional Development

Gooru - A Search Engine for Learning

Digital Human Library, connecting experts with learners (Canada)

iLabs Central

Federal Registry for Educational Excellence from Dept of Ed.

The Concord Consortium

The Teaching Channel

My NASA Data 

Northwestern University's Project Access (Kemi Jona)

HP Catalyst (new)

CIESE from Stevens Institute of Technology

E-mission Distance Learning Scenarios

Black Girls Code

The Learning Registry

Programming: Tynker, Alice, Scratch 

SCALE UP movement for Student Centered Active Learning Center Environment w/ Upside-down Pedagoies

Untangling the Web (Adam Bellows):

Center for Teaching Quality, CTQ

Other Websites

US Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Technology (OET), Richard Culatta, Interim Director

PBS Learning: What is CyberLearning?  (Examples; Kemmi and other big players are featured.)

Center for Innovative Learning and Collaboration (CILC): Selection portal for Internet Video synchronous programs between schools and museums, labs, etc.

Edutopia - site designed for educators that brings research to practice.  A lot on project-based learning.

Gigaom - tech innovation news across all markets

Science Buddies: Science careers, science fairs etc. 

Understanding science, How science really works

Inkling Habitate - Ebooks; wow!

Teacher Learning Network, Australia

Online Communities, Organizations, Networks, Projects is a highly-acclaimed professional social and learning network that has become a vibrant online community for exceptional educators, decision-makers, and influencers who are on the leading edge of innovation in education. Join if you dare - too many webinars for one life!

HASTAC (Haystack), a consortium of scientists, social scientists, artists, humanists, & engineers committed to new forms of collaboration across communities and disciplines fostered by creative uses of technology.

The Aspen Institute Task Force on Learning and Internet (began this June for 12 month period)

Powerful Learning Practice - PD for Connected Educators

SMILE Pathways

Educause: a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education through the use of information technology.

National Girls STEM Collaborative

Afterschool Alliance


Internet2 K20

EdTech Talks - Teachers Teaching Teachers


Connected Educator Month (October), Dept. of Ed.

Triangle Coalition for STEM Education 


People Contacts, External - here's a few to start:

Kemmi Jona, Northwestern University, remote labs and virtual labs leader

Internet2 K20 Committee members led by James Werle who were with us last August 2012

Jerry McCarthy, CO Governor's Office for Information Technology (at I2 meeting), CO Distance Learning, (Receive Jerry's newsletter if interested)

Nikunj Oza is the leader of the Data Sciences Group at NASA Ames Research Center. His expertise: big data.  See more at:

NSF: Edith Gummer, Janice Earle, Barry Sloane, and Arlene de Strulle (Technology and Education/Educational Research)

Dr. Sherry His, LHS, and co-lead for SMILE Pathway (w/ Exploratorium more long period, too)

Philip Bell, University of Washington; Brita Barron, Stanford, Life Center Co-PIs

Internal collaborators:

COMET crew; Jeff Custard, CISL NETS and FRGP; Rich Loft - CISL Outreach; Karon Kelly (DLS Assoc. Director); Mary Marlino (DLS Director at NCAR); Kaye Howe, Director NSDL; Tony - GLOBE; UCAR Connect committee members; Alison Rockwell - EOL EO Outreach (mostly post secondary) 

Think Tanks Involved in Online or Cyberlearning Research 

SRI International Center for Technology and Learning (CTL)

     SRI International Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL)

MacArthur Foundation: Connected Learning Research Network

National Academy of Sciences (NAS): Computers and Information Technology and Education Technology Publications

Possible Grant Solicitations to Consider


Conferences specific to online learning (listed to give us a sense of rapid growth in this area and importance of being savvy about conference choices/communities/opportunities) - and there of course are still more! 

Learning Analytics and Knowledge

Consortium of School Networking (CoSN)

Digital Media and Learning (DML), March

EdNET 2013, Fall Denver

Educause National Conference (basically ISTE for higher ed.), October

Educon, late January 

International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), June

Museums and the Web, Spring

Social Learning Bootcamp, September

Tableau Conference, DC, Data Analytics and Visualizations (Tableau is a free software product for data)

US Digital Learning Assoc. National Conference, Spring

STEMx Education Conference, fall

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