The k_rateConst scheme calculates the k rate constants at the beginning of each model's time-step.  They are not computed for the internal steps of the box model time-step advancer. 

Source code location: MICM_Chemistry/src/kinetics/k_rateConst.F90

User defined types


type kinetics_type


  integer :: nReact

  real(r8), allocatable :: rateConst(:)



  procedure, public :: rateConst_init

  procedure, public :: rateConst_update

  procedure, public :: rateConst_print

  procedure, public :: force

  procedure, public :: jac

  final             :: DasEnder

end type kinetics_type

Metadata for kinetics routines

kinetics_init routine

!> \section arg_table_kinetics_init Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name                                    | long_name                               | units   | rank | type          | kind      | intent | optional |
!! |------------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------|------|---------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | nTotRxt    | num_chemical_reactions                           | total number of chemical reactions      | count   |    0 | integer       |           | in     | F        |
!! | theKinetics | kinetics_data                                   | chemistry kinetics                      | DDT     |    0 | kinetics_type |           | none   | F        |
!! | errmsg     | ccpp_error_message                               | CCPP error message                      | none    |    0 | character     | len=512   | out    | F        |
!! | errflg     | ccpp_error_flag                                  | CCPP error flag                         | flag    |    0 | integer       |           | out    | F        |

kinetics_run routine

!> \section arg_table_kinetics_run Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name                                    | long_name                               | units   | rank | type          | kind      | intent | optional |
!! |------------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------|------|---------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | theKinetics | kinetics_data                                   | chemistry kinetics                      | DDT     |    0 | kinetics_type |           | none   | F        |
!! | k_rateConst| gasphase_rate_constants                          | gas phase rates constants               | s-1     |    1 | real          | kind_phys | in     | F        |
!! | j_rateConst| photo_rate_constants                             | photochemical rates constants           | s-1     |    1 | real          | kind_phys | in     | F        |
!! | errmsg     | ccpp_error_message                               | CCPP error message                      | none    |    0 | character     | len=512   | out    | F        |
!! | errflg     | ccpp_error_flag                                  | CCPP error flag                         | flag    |    0 | integer       |           | out    | F        |

kinetics_finalize routine

!> \section arg_table_kinetics_finalize Argument Table
!! | local_name | standard_name                                    | long_name                               | units   | rank | type      | kind      | intent | optional |
!! |------------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|---------|------|-----------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | errmsg     | ccpp_error_message                               | CCPP error message                      | none    |    0 | character | len=512   | out    | F        |
!! | errflg     | ccpp_error_flag                                  | CCPP error flag                         | flag    |    0 | integer   |           | out    | F        |

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