Partly sunny, calm winds, top snow layer a bit softer again
Still Will and Steve and the PI team
A quick trip by Will and Steve to the site, mostly to debug the uw Apogee which had Vpile readings that were too large in magnitude. Reseating cables didn't change. Swapping the popsicle stick with a spare did help (about 10:30). Now the readings look good.
We also thought to measure the displacement between the sonic and quad-disk ports, but they are too high to measure directly. I just shot photos (soon to be attached) so that we can evaluate the distance photogrammetrically. In the process, noticed that 10m.c had blown close to the sonic, so Will climbed to shift it back. (On the tower from about 11:00 to 11:15.) I have before and after photos.
Returned in time to miss only the first few minutes of Ethan's talk to the SAIL/SPLASH team.
This is my last scheduled site visit. I'm leaving tomorrow, to be replaced by Antonio.