10m.c (SN 1473) read high and 15m.c (SN 1390) read low during the project, so we want to know what is going on. Some input:
- The edges of the lens on 1390 were cloudy when inspected in the lab
- In the staging lab, I fired up both along with SN 1494 which had been in the lab. The h2o values were:
- 1494 8.68 g/m^3
- 1390 3.60 g/m^3 (5.08 lower)
- 1473 9.21 g/m^3 (0.53 higher; 5.58 higher than 1390)
- We just did the lab zero/span test. During that:
- 1473: zero 0.71 (3.33 higher than 1390); then zeroed
- 1390: zero -2.62; then zeroed
- h2o span is still in progress
- After the zero/span, I'll repeat the staging lab test to see if anything has changed!