Rick and Chris onsite today.  

Weather today was Sunny with the only a few clouds on the horizon.  In the morning there were light winds from the south.  In the afternoon, winds increased slightly, but not as strong as yesterday.

All looked good on the desert front and equipment is behaving.
We did drive out to the array, and checked the updated ratchet strap on T0 new to make sure there was no settling. The T0 tower was still plumb and level.  We went to the trailer tower, and I gave Rick a tutorial on the it.  We started the generator to make sure all was OK with it.

We cam back to the site at sunset to take some sunset array pictures.

Then we decided - "When in Tonopah - do as the Tonopahins do", so we went to the Friday night dirt track races.  Chenning, Rick and I had a fun filled evening eating dust and covering our ears - it was loud, but very entertaining:

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