Onsite today was Rick, Antonio, and Chris.

Weather was mostly sunny in the morning with gradually building clouds; high temp in the mid 70s.

Chris went over all ISFS operations with Antonio and Rick; Rick was planning on taking over the ISFS duties, and Antonio taking care of ISS ops.

The 2m hot firm was acting up; it was reporting ~ 7 volts (instead of being between 1.5 and 2.5 volts). We removed the 2m hot film and it measure ~5 Ohms (the correct value). We checked the resistance at the coax cable leading into the Dantech bridge , and it was reading a short (0 Ohms).  We took apart the coupler between the thin and thick coax cables (out on the boom), and then reattached everything.  This seemed to fix the problem.  We then taped this coupler up (as it had been at the other levels); it probably got some water in the connector from the previous evening's rain.  All for hot film are now reporting correctly.  I did talk to Steve, and the one hot wire (not hot film) in the base trailer, would be a suitable potential replacement for a hot film if another one dies.

The Purdue students moved their UAV operations from the array to behind the trailer tower, and were flying the UAVs at the three different levels.
Tomorrow (Friday) will be their last day of operations.


Chris leaves tomorrow (Friday) morning.

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