Step 1: Downloading the WFSRI

  1. Download the ^wfsri-3.5-release.tar.gz and ^wfsri-3.5-release-war.tar.gz files.
  2. Extract the wfsri-3.5-release.tar.gz tar ball to a directory of your choice. The extraction process will create the wfsri-3.5-release directory (also referred to by the environment variable $WFSRI_INSTALL) containing the following files and sub-directories:

    Error rendering macro 'table'

    Illegal group reference

  3. Extract the wfsri-3.5-release-war.tar.gz tar ball in the same directory as the prior step. It will add the following files to this directory:

    Error rendering macro 'table'

    Illegal group reference

  4. If you will be running the WFSRI as a Distribution Server and will want to use the WFSRI repeater, the WFSRI repeater is located in wfsri-3.5-release/repeater directory (also referred to by the environment variable $WFSRI_REPEATER) and contains the following files and sub-directories:

    Error rendering macro 'table'

    Illegal group reference


The following environment variables should be set before proceeding to the next installation step. We recommend for ease of use that the users add the environment variables to their permanent list of environment variables (ex, in their .cshrc or .env file).:



Error rendering macro 'table'

No group with name {over}


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