The LFM is a global MHD model written by John Lyon, Joel Fedder and Clark Mobarry. It is primarily used to better understand Earth's Magnetosphere. The LFM can be coupled with a variety of models to aide in understanding of the physical processes in Geospace , such as:
The documentation on this wiki contains limited scientific descriptions of the models. It is intended as a guide to compile & execute the code(s) and documents some of the post-processing tools which have been developed for LTR.
The LTR models and documentation are constantly evolving. This wiki documents the latest release. In some cases, this includes documentation for unreleased/upcoming features. You should sign up to the LTR-announce mailing list and make sure you're using the latest release. You can find a list of upcoming features via the LTR roadmap.
LFM Field Aligned Current calculation - Notes on the LFM inner boundary conditions. Gives insight into the calculation of
, which is sent to MIX.
This material is based upon work supported by CISM which is funded by the STC Program of the National Science Foundation under Agreement Number ATM-0120950. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.