Post-processing with C++

LTR ships with a set of I/O clases in LFM-para/src/startup. We can use the "Io" and "Hdf4" classes to read LFM or MIX data. See below for example code.

LFM HDF4 Output

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

#include "Hdf4.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Open the file for reading
  Hdf4 io;"z_mhd_0000000.hdf"), IO::READ);

  // Allocate & read a variable.  You can do this in two ways:
  // 1.  Use A++:
  floatArray bx;
  io.readVariable(string("bx_"), bx);
  // 2.  Use C++:
  int dims[3] = {bx.getLength(0), bx.getLength(1), bx.getLength(2)};
  float *by = new float[dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]];

  int inRank;
  int *inDims;
  io.readVariable(string("by_"), by, inRank, inDims);

  // If you want to get fancy, you can read attributes like so:
  map<string, double> inMetaDoubles;
  map<string, float> inMetaFloats;
  map<string, int> inMetaInts;
  map<string, string> inMetaStrings;
  io.readMetaData(inMetaDoubles, inMetaFloats, inMetaInts, inMetaStrings);

  // now you can access the attributes like so:
  cout << "Modified Julian Date is: " << inMetaFloats["mjd"] << endl;

  // Don't forget to close a file when you're done with it!

  return 0;

Note you'll need to compile this somehow. Here's an example Makefile to give you some ideas:

# Include compiler information
include ../../../env/Make.${MACHINE}

        -I$(A++)/include \
LIBS=   -L$(A++)/lib -lApp -lApp_static \
        -L$(HDF)/lib -lmfhdf -ldf -ljpeg -lz

ioDemo: Hdf4.o ioDemo.o
        $(CXX) -o $@ Hdf4.o ioDemo.o $(EXTRA_LIBS) $(LIBS)
  • No labels