
A post check of the TRH probes was completed.  The temperature pre-project calibration was from  40o C to -30o C in 5o C steps.
The post project check for temperature was the same. For humidity the pre-project calibration covered the range of 10% to 90%, 10% steps,
at 4 temperatures; 40o C, 27o C, 14o C, and 0o C. For post project check the probes were tested from 40% to 90%, 10% steps, at 23o  C.
This range was selected since it represented the conditions the probes were subjected to.

The table below presents the errors of the probe. The error term is computed as: err = probe - reference



1 Comment  · 
Post cal on Barometers

A post cal on the barometers used in VERTEX showed a systematic basis. The Ruska reference was tested against the
dead weight piston gauge to verify the error was not in the reference. The results of this test showed an agreement
better than .03 mb between the dead weight and Ruska. Based on this result I believe there was an error in the pre-calibration
of the barometers that created the basis. Below are the post cal results. A simple correction is to subtract the mean error from
the measured value. This results in errors better than 0.2 mb. The other option is to apply the linear correction
resulting in errors better than 0.01 mb.
the data.

Post CalError: sensor - ref (mb)
Correction: Pcor = A0 + A1*Pmeas
s13 EC150 errors

In post-processing, I notice that dat(irgadiag.3m.s13) almost always is non-zero.  This was the case the entire time that this sensor was deployed at VERTEX.  I randomly looked at data from 17 Oct 00:00-01:00 and see lots of errors associated with lots of data jumps in h2o and co2.  Applying irgadiag to data up to 30 seconds prior to the flag triggering cleans up the h2o values a bunch, but still doesn't completely eliminate odd values.  Wetness shows that there may have been dew at the time (there wasn't rain).  Looking at data 12 hours later (no dew at noon), irgadiag still fires sometimes (10 times in 1 hour), though jumps in h2o are not obvious.

In the lab, I also see this problem.  S/N 1276 (the one with our internal T modification in its EC100 box), works fine.  I observed no irgadiag flags watching it for 6 minutes.  Also, the sensor head was completely quiet.  Presumably, this was deployed at s15.  S/N 1277, which presumably was at s13, makes lots of noise.  Observed for a period of about 15 minutes, there were periods of 8–99 seconds with good data, interrupted by periods of 3–11 seconds with 0x21, followed by a few 0x01 values.  These are exactly the same values, though even more frequent than, seen in the field data.  I'd say the median was 20s good, 5s bad, or only 75% good data.  I couldn't observe jumps in h2o and co2, though I was just looking at the hex output.

I note that 0x21 is supposed to indicate that "source light power exceeds limits" – an odd situation to occur.  In any case, S/N 1277 probably needs to be returned to Campbell for servicing, if only for the motor noise.

Data take-home:

  1. When 0x21 values are present, the sensor is generally reporting bad values.  Filtering h2o and co2 values when irgadiag=0, i.e. the default NIDAS configuration to remove 0x21 values is insufficient to remove bad data (and sometimes appears to remove good values).
  2. In general, filtering data using irgadiag is not sufficient to remove bad h2o and co2 values.  These will take more QC for (at least) dew.  I've also seen at least one s15 spike in the noon case.




Clear morning with strong NE wind. Afternoon partly cloudy with North wind 

Turbine was shut down 14:06 - 15:07, however winds had shifted by this time to due North.

Finishing prep for teardown 

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Sunny morning, followed by an overcast afternoon. Steady west wind all day.

Introduced Clayton to the Marsh and visited a couple of sites.

Found S1 barometer tube had fallen of the sensor nipple, sometime between the last site visit and 12:15 today.

Bird managed to outsmart the mitigation at site 1:


T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Clearing, breezy west wind. Poor conditions to do a turbine shutdown test 

Gordon left this morning, may the software gods be with us. 

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok


Clearing, breezy. West and NW winds (sad)

Kate finished her shift and left this afternoon.  Thanks Kate!

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Cloudy and warm with light rain in the afternoon. Winds from the South.


Pulled the boat out this afternoon, cleaned it and parked it in the East lot. Don't expect we will have to take it out tomorrow. 


T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Second trip at high tide


Measured azimuth angles at site 10 and site 12

Swapped out T/RH at site 13 at 5:00pm EDT. (Didnt notice until replacement was complete that previous T/RH seems to have recovered around noon today).

TRH response was surprisingly slow. The inlet of the replacement was probably warmed by being hand carried.

Muddy trip at low tide

Kate and I went to 1,5,8 and 15.  

At 1:  removed TP01 to send back to Boulder. This had not been connected to the mote.

At 5: shot azimuths of the 2D and 3D soncis

At 8: shot azumiths

At 15: Shot  azimuths, and removed theTP01 (also had not been connected), at 1:56.  A cable fell from the mote when fiddling there. I plugged it back in and  pressed the I2C rescan button.  Looks like things are working.


Daily Log Entry 10-26-2016

Clear, cool, breezy. Light winds

 To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait.
  • Replace T/RH sensor at site 13.
  • Pull soil sensor from Site 1
  • Shoot new angles for sites 5, 10 and 12 (these seem to have the largest discrepancies between past measurements) 


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. T/RH at Site 13 not working
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently. 
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Daily Log Entry 10-25-2016

Clear, cool, breezy. Winds prevailed from the NW


To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait.
  • Replace T/RH sensor at site 13.


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. T/RH at Site 13 failed yesterday
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently. 
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

NR01 serial numbers

Info from the three NR01 boxes in the trailer:

TRH at s13 bonkers

T and RH at 13 has gone bad.  Ifan looks OK.

Here's the output from a rserial this morning:

rs 2
parameters: 9600 none 8 1 "\n" 1 0 prompted=false
TRH11 878.00 1393.27 33 0 30855 2033 105\r\n
TRH11 878.00 1397.10 34 0 30855 2019 108\r\n
TRH11 893.85 0.00 34 0 31744 16654 108\r\n
TRH11 878.14 1397.97 34 0 30863 2017 106\r\n

Tried a ctrl-U

Sensor ID11 I2C ADD: 12 data rate: 1 (secs) fan(0) max current: 80 (ma)\n
\rCalibration Dates: T - 050516, RH - 062016\r\n
resolution: 12 bits 1 sec MOTE: off\r\n
calibration coefficients:\r\n
Ta0 = -4.110268E+1\r\n
Ta1 = 4.140966E-2\r\n
Ta2 = -3.766565E-7\r\n
Ha0 = -8.208146E+0\r\n
Ha1 = 6.072641E-1\r\n
Ha2 = -4.611539E-4\r\n
Ha3 = 7.249655E-2\r\n
Ha4 = 1.125646E-3\r\n
Fa0 = 3.222650E-1\r\n
\0x15TRH11 897.32 0.00 35 0 31943 16071 109\r\n
input command format: cmd [value] [[value] [value] ...]\r\n
command\t desc\t\t\ttype\tquantity\r\n
MOT\t1 sec mote flag\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
FID\tFan ID\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
RES\tBit resolution\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
SID\tSensor ID\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
I2C\tI2C address\t\tbyte\t1\r\n
RAT\tData Rate\t\tint\t1\r\n
CUR\tMax Fan current\t\tint\t1\r\n
TM0\ttimer0 count\t\tint\t1\r\n
TA0\tT probe a0 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
TA1\tT probe a1 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
TA2\tT probe a2 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA0\tH probe a0 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA1\tH probe a1 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA2\tH probe a2 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA3\tH probe a3 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
HA4\tH probe a4 Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
FA0\tFan current Cof\t\tfloat\t1\r\n
EEC\tclear EEPROM space\r\n
DEF\tDEFAULT flag\r\n
CMD\tprint command list\r\n
EXT\texit EEPROM handler\r\n
Warning: Upon exit EEPROM data will be downloaded to RAM\r\n

Then EXT

Exit EEPROM LOADER - reset will take place\r\n
\r Sensor ID11 I2C ADD: 12 data rate: 1 (secs) fan(0) max current: 80 (ma)\n
\rCalibration Dates: T - 050516, RH - 062016\r\n
resolution: 14 bits 1 sec MOTE: off\r\n
calibration coefficients:\r\n
Ta0 = -4.110268E+1\r\n
Ta1 = 4.140966E-2\r\n
Ta2 = -3.766565E-7\r\n
Ha0 = -8.208146E+0\r\n
Ha1 = 6.072641E-1\r\n
Ha2 = -4.611539E-4\r\n
Ha3 = 7.249655E-2\r\n
Ha4 = 1.125646E-3\r\n
Fa0 = 3.222650E-1\r\n
TRH11 896.21 0.00 34 0 31879 31879 106\r\n
TRH11 -126.84 0.00 34 0 -2033 16700 106\r\n
TRH11 511.88 0.00 35 0 15555 4803 109\r\n
TRH11 879.09 0.00 35 0 30915 20679 109\r\n

Tried power cycling with "tio 2 0" , "tio 2 1" but the T,RH are still bad.

We have 2 spares.  Will test those in the trailer and replace the unit at 13.



Clear, cool, breezy. Winds out of NW, but not NE, unfortuately.  Don't see NE winds in the next 10 day forecast.

Kate not feeling well.

Software/configuration changes:

  • Removied ".mN" from wisard variables, so they now just have a site suffix, except when multiple motes were at s15.
  • Added  "ldiag" for tower RMY sonics
  • Moved pressure plot (with Pirga) to tide, rain plot.
  • Added some plot titles
  • Make separate Tsoil profiles at the 3 stations.

Yesterday: Per SteveO's suggestion, emptied (about 2") water from the battery box at tower.  Voltage was healthy: 13V.

To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait.
  • Shoot sonics on tower.


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s

T/RH: 42m  TRH reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. 
P: ok
2D Gill: ok

csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.s9 reporting intermittently
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok