Create ESMF dev branch and define and create ESMF states
Ideal engineering time: 3 weeks
Start date: August 18th
Completion date: Jan 14th, 2007
Off-time during project: 5 days (script), 16-days (vaca), 4-days (sick)
Actual weeks on project: 16
Estimated lines of code: 6kl (MCT implementation has 5kl)
Actual lines of code: 15kl (including unit tests)
Factor: 5.0, 190 lpd
Create top level ESMF application driver for all components.
- CCSM and SCAM – don't have to be messed with!
- Use SEQ_MCT #ifdef token for ???_comp_mct.F90 and SEQ_ESMF for ???_comp_esmf.F90
- Work with build to work with both
- Create ESMF driver and coupler code (seq_esmf_)
- Call all components using ESMF
- Create needed coupler components, call appropriate sets of code.
- Do redist from atmosphere to land decomp and back.
- Register components using ESMF
- Create import and export states.
- Create method to change import/export state data into local derived type data.
eshr_inputinfo_mod.F90: - eshr_inputinfo_info2EState
- eshr_inputinfo_eState2Info
eshr_timemgr_mod.F90 - eshr_timemgr_info2EState
- eshr_timemgr_eState2Info
eshr_estate_mod.F90 - eshr_estate_printStats
- eshr_estate_create
- eshr_estate_checkGrid
- eshr_estate_createFromList
- eshr_estate_importCreate
- eshr_estate_exportCreate
- eshr_estate_zero
eshr_rc_mod.F90 - eshr_rc_set
- eshr_rc_check
- eshr_rc_desc