Move 2D arrays in comsrf to physics/ice or ocean
Ideal engineering time: 1.5 weeks
Move the following 2D arrays from comsrf into physics only modules.
- landm
- sgh
- sgh30
- fv
- ram1
- fsns*
- landfrac_field* (used in restart_physics)
- fsnt
- flns
- srfrpdel
- psm1
- prcsnw
- trefmxav
- trefmnav
fsns, and landfrac_field will stay as a copy in comsrf, until later (csim uses it). Other arrays are completely removed from comsrf into respective physics modules.
landfrac_field, can become a local array in restart_physics.
Work with: - comsrf.F90 (above arrays)
- physics routines that use them
camice data:
Remove use of comsrf:landfrac_field in csim and create local variable within camice to take care of it (leave the comsrf, landfrac_field array in comsrf, just don't use it in camice).
For later - create local copy of fsns for use within camice (leave comsrf version in for now).
somoce data: - Move tsocn from comsrf to somocn.F90 (remove from comsrf)