Google Earth at UCAR

Google Outreach granted UCAR a number of Google Earth Pro licenses for use by UCAR staff from 2010-2011 but has discontinued our grant due to NCAR's status as an FFRDC. If you need the additional features of Google Earth Pro, such as video recording, higher resolution printing, and advanced import/export, please contact Google Earth Pro Sales to purchase a license key. Otherwise, you can simply download the freely available Google Earth which doesn't require a license key.

Fair Use Policy

Google Earth and Google Earth Pro have a fair use policy that covers many academic uses. Please consult this page before publishing screenshots of your data in Google Earth or Google Earth Pro.

Google Earth Mailman List

Join the Google Earth Mailman List if you'd like to join the discussion of how Google Earth is being put to use at UCAR as well as share tips with others.

UCAR Google Earth Solutions Exchange and Showcase

Please share your Google Earth and Google Earth Pro solutions here by adding links, uploading scripts, KML files or other Google Earth-related solutions and output. Alternatively, you can add a wiki page that describes your solution in more detail.


  File Modified
JPEG File erie.flt.track2.jpg educational weather balloon flight tracking Nov 09, 2010 by Katy Young
JPEG File Mobile Sounding System Launch Location Mapping Nov 09, 2010 by Katy Young
JPEG File TPARC Drop and Driftsonde locations Nov 11, 2010 by Blake Arensdorf

Google Earth News

Google Earth Tips

Add Google Earth tips here.

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1 Comment

  1. Having GE Pro adds another level of usability and convenience to our utilization of GE. Being able to save paths, calculate lengths and areas of polygons are extremely useful abilities that we will start using immediately.

    I am already using saved paths for planning the next set of field experiments such as TORERO and HIPPO-Global Phases 3,4 and 5.

    At first GE Pro froze on my W-7 x64 machine and then conflicted apparently with GE non-Pro but all of a sudden this went away. Some issue must have been addressed in a W-7 patch.

    I will be uploading several KMLs that I use for real time flight support that our University users all over the world found useful.