Weather: Low level stratus clouds with cirrus above throughout the day, plus haze. Highs in the mid-40’s.
A calm data day. No more soils to sample. Data looks good.
- There was a 6hr window of no sonic/irga data last night. Intermittent good data continues for that sonic. We have no extra sonics to replace so this is the data reality for the rest of CFACT (made a note on the Tracker for the data report). There’s still some good data that comes in so it’s not a complete loss.
- I forgot to mention we may have stepped under the Depth sensor until we noticed it. I can see it in NCharts so I added a filter to that for our time there in the QC/lc/Snow.dat cal file.
We demoed the 415p radiosonde launch to a group of UU grad students. It also doubled as a tutorial for three of them who will be launching during IOPs. We launched a little later than scheduled ~430 because we had to reboot the computer/Vaisala when the radiosonde failed during the ground check. John took photos.
There is a tentative IOP6 planned for Sat/Sun so tomorrow we plan to replace thermocouples at DCS (17m) and PRS (7m) tomorrow in anticipation. Middle schoolers are visiting ISS1 for an hour tour @10am.