Mack, Jacquie, and Matt
Sunny and warm. Surface winds were from the northwest most of the day (which is the smelly direction).
Students launched at 10am and 3pm local. No known problems.
- water level in lidar is good
- web plots
- real-time lidar displays
- 449 power: 2.88 A in the afternoon
The WindCube seems to have a streak across the glass, not sure if this is actually a problem. I watched the wipe and it seems to be doing a good job, so the wiper could probably use a cleaning. Because the clock was off by 45 seconds we missed it the first time...
Other notes:
Looked at the purple air sensor along the array, and it seems to have been connected to the WiFi network just fine. I switched it to a different WiFi network to see if that would help but it doesn't seem to have made a difference. I also tried power cycling the sensor, since despite being connected to a WiFi network (that I confirmed does have internet) it doesn't seem to be able to connect.