Weather: Sunny with calm to light winds. A bit of haze but generally clear.
Staff: Jacquie, Mack
Data check (AM/PM): stable
- Noticed the OTT (near tt) data are missing from NCharts and QCTables - but they are defined in the netcdf files.
- Stephan De Wekker arrived just for the afternoon and we gave him a tour. He will be returning with students and drones. FAA approval to fly 4000ft was received today!
- Watched the ISS Windcube lidar go through its set of scan modes on the hour (Bill changed a few things yesterday).
- Took lots of photos of ISFS and ISS sensors for the data report.
- Jacquie learned how to run Steve's command to check the hotfilm raw data stream on ustar:
Photos of the Day
(left) Stephan and Mack in front of the UVA Halo Lidar. (right) Group behind t48-t49 discussing drone strategies wrt the ISFS array.
1 Comment
Steve Oncley
Two notes: