
Site Locations

These are the site locations I pulled from the GPS messages at each site.  Cristina requested the exact site locations, so this is the table I emailed to her.

Daily Status - 9/2/2016



Light winds out of the Northeast. All stations coming in.
we plan to visit station 15 to work on the rad/soil mote issue. Also visit 2,3,4 to add power/monitoring cable.

Actions past 24 hours:

  • replaced battery at tower and added charge/monitoring board
  • shot boom angles on tall tower
  • installed new router
  • investigated ethernet link to tower
  • recording real-time data at eol
  • 5 minute NETCDF files being created
  • fixed output message from power monitoring motes at a few sites
  • start repairs on spare TRHs

To dos:

  • visit to site 15, work on rad/soil motes
  • visit to 2,3,4 to add charge/monitoring cable
  • clean boat

Sensor status:

T/RH:  ok
P: ok
2D Gill: ok, some spiking at sites 8,9,10
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: spiking up to 1
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ID2 not giving soil data, ID1 has issues with message sent 
Wetness: unknown
radiation: unknown
Tsoil: unknown
Gsoil: unknown
Qsoil: unknown
Cvsoil: unknown
Battery: ok except 2,3,4,14 missing cable

Gill Sonic Status

17:45     Notice status error values on Gill sonics at 3, 11, and 12. According to the manual
              The status value corresponds to "Insufficient samples in average period on both axes".
              Maybe this was due to a rain event.


Tall Tower Sonic Angles

I shot the angles for the RMYoung sonics. I used a combination of a compass and the theodolite.
 The compass was set with 0 degree deviation. When we get the new datascope I will take another set of readings.

The sonics were mounted with the N direction pointing toward the East.


9/1 (SS)

10/25 (KY and GM)  


76.5 (leans toward South)  


10/25/2016 - We found the compass on the Theolite was no good, based on comparisons with the binoculars. We used the Theolite to align the sonic and then used the binoculars to measure the angels.


~13:30    A new battery along with a new charging/monitor board were installed at the tower


Rad/Soil Mote issues

There have been some issues with the motes at station 15.

ID1 is putting out two messages within the 5 second period. It appears one message is good data
and the second is bad. Example below

2016 09 01 16:15:09.3490 4.566 15,0x804d 32 154.6 11.9 -11.7 8.2 24.96 0.58 0 0
2016 09 01 16:15:09.5821 0.233 15,0x814d 32 -3.7 15.6 -12.4 8.4 24.66 0.51 0 0
2016 09 01 16:15:14.3484 4.766 15,0x804d 32 153.7 11.8 -11.9 8.2 24.97 0.581 0 0
2016 09 01 16:15:14.5833 0.2349 15,0x814d 32 -3.7 15.5 -12.4 8.4 24.66 0.511 0 0
2016 09 01 16:15:19.3487 4.765 15,0x804d 32 152.7 11.7 -11.9 8 24.97 0.581 0 0
2016 09 01 16:15:19.5839 0.2351 15,0x814d 32 -3.7 15.5 -12.5 8.4 24.66 0.511 0 0

ID2 went down at 6:16 (GMT)

ID4 looks good


Daily Status - 9/1/2016



No winds, overcast with rain. All stations coming in except tower.
We received three care packages from Boulder late yesterday; spare DSM, new router, and battery charge/monitor
board for the tall tower. 

Actions past 24 hours:

  • replace battery at tower
  • visit to site 15 to work on rad/soil issues and site 9 to fix TRH

To dos:

  • add battery charge/monitor board to tall tower
  • finish shooting tall tower booms

Sensor status:

T/RH:  ok
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: spiking up to 1
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ID2 not giving soil data, ID1 has issues with message sent 
Wetness: unknown
radiation: unknown
Tsoil: unknown
Gsoil: unknown
Qsoil: unknown
Cvsoil: unknown
Battery: Gary to finish work on config

10:20  The battery was changed at the tall tower. The old battery was reading 12.2v.
           The new battery was at 13.2v.  Hopefully tomorrow we will have the solar charging
           system running.


TRH issues at 9, 10

The TRH at station 9 has gone down. Powering down and up did not help.
Station 10 TRH also has a problem. It is reporting very low fan current. Also tried
cycling power with no improvement.

update @ 1:27:     The TRH at 10 has recovered. We will monitor it

Daily Status - 8/31
  • 8/31/16


No winds this morning. Notice no pressure coming in from s3 and s15. The xml config needs to be updated.
No data from Rad/Soil system at 15. This may be a USB issue. 

Actions past 24 hours:

  • replace battery at tall tower
  • started shooting boom angles on tall tower, will finish today

To dos:

  • replace battery at tall tower
  • work on data displays (this will be a daily task for the next week)
  • finish shooting tall tower booms
  • possible trip to station 15 to deal with Rad/Soil

Sensor status:

T/RH:  s9,s10 down
P: ok at s1
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: spiking up to 1
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: data not coming in
Wetness: unknown
radiation: unknown
Tsoil: unknown
Gsoil: unknown
Qsoil: unknown
Cvsoil: unknown
Battery: Gary says he needs to do some configuration work and we are short some cables, sites 2,3,4,and 14

Short outage in s4

As part of debugging CSAT3 issues for Perdigao, I logged in to s4 and ddn/dup for about a minute, so that I could use minicom to talk to its CSAT3.  Hopefully, everything is back up now.


Battery change at tower

11:20am      Battery changed at the tall tower. The old battery was down to 12 volts
                    New battery at 13.2 vols


Daily Status - 8/30



  • light winds from the E to NE

Actions past 24 hours:

  • installation of tall tower, network connection to tower is acting up
  • no solar charger/power monitor at tall tower, replacement on its way from Boulder

To dos:

  • replace battery at tall tower
  • work on data displays
  • shoot tall tower booms

Sensor status:

T/RH:  ok
P: need to confirm locations, s1 is ok. Not sure about sensors at  s3 and s15 need to check config
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: spiking up to 1 on all: 
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: data not coming in
Wetness: unknown
radiation: unknown
Tsoil: unknown
Gsoil: unknown
Qsoil: unknown
Cvsoil: unknown
Battery: Gary says he needs to do some configuration work 

A set of soil probes were installed at site 15, near NR01 #2.
The soil was still wet but not under water. The roots of the grass did make install difficult.

Sensor Serial numbers:
Tsoil - 5 (BD 5)
HFT - H103636 (BD 5)
Qsoil - 20 (BD 20)
TP01 - 200241 (BD 7) 

Tall Tower Installed

The tall tower was completed today. The sonic heights are 10, 25, 33, 41.8, 49 meters. We still need to shoot the boom angles to correct the sonic direction.