Weather: another beautiful day.  Again, wind and showers to the south of us at the end of the day.  People actually complained (a little) of being hot at lunch.

People: Chris, Steve, Tony, William, Antonio, Gary, some help from Elise.  Two people from NOAA were working on "Tilden's tower", and Aaron showed up from UND to deploy some of his stuff.  Erik visited again.

Tower tasks:

  • Leveled and tensioned all 35' towers
  • Placed 3 4' screw anchors, 1 for each inner guy point an 2 for each outer guy point for the 20m tower.
  • With these anchors, popped the c tower up to 60'.  One more section to go!

Other tasks:

  • Wired AC power to all towers.  Verified that at least the d and ue DSMs were working.  This also got our internet working – Gary was able to connect his laptop via wifi.
  • Installed soil sensors at d.
  • Prepped the radiometer boom.

Summary: We're pretty far along now.  Towers almost complete.  Power running.  Internet running.  Now we just add (more) sensors, data systems, and cabling...


William's technique to apply force to the impact hammer and lifting the 6th section into place for the c tower.

The near-surface soil sensors and looking down the hole for the deeper Tsoil profile.

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