10/9/13, twh
The trailer is rocking today; Spd.10m.base = 15 m/s, gusts to 30 m/s.
Wack-a-Mote continues...
Planned to make service visit to FLR today, but too windy.
Yesterday replaced TRH.25m.near, raised near sawhorse to 2.02 m, reseated radio in rad.far mote, etc.
T/RH: Ifan 20m.rim (10/9 8:00), 25m.near (10/8 15:00) = 0, but data looks okay.
RH.25m.rim replaced and now matches profile, but RH.50m.near and RH.35m.rim(?) high
T.20m.rim fits into profile at high wind speeds today
P: ok
csat u,v: ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
kh2o: FLR flaky; FLR fluxes noisy but believable
motes: FAR ok
FLR rad just restarted around 10 am.
Wetness: ok
radiation: Rpile.out.far flat-lined since 10/7 09:00
Tsoil: Tsoil.3.1cm.near has offset since 10/7 12:15
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: FLR, FAR < 0
Cvsoil: ok
2D sonic: ok, FLR wind direction not yet corrected