- dcs is totally down. It appears to have lost power on 21 Dec soon after being powered up and subsequently died on 26 Dec. Could the Victron have V/I limit settings set incorrectly? Update: Sebastian says that his power (connecting to our AC outlet) is fine. This further suggests that this is a Victron issue, rather than AC power.
- pc is totally down. Similarly, it lost power on 15 Dec soon after being powered up and died 23 Dec. AC not getting from power panel to job box – cable issue?
- lc power cord was cut by plow. Might stay up until we get there and replace the cord.
- up may or may not have a power drop, so might need to create another solar farm. (Do we have cables?)
- Most sonics are reporting NA, though they did work initially. Assuming this is ice related (try more heating?), but might check with Campbell to see if a configuration change would help.
- Most EC150s also show missing data. However, in at least one case, I've found the EC150 data to be okay – just missing because statsproc processes it in a group with the sonic data that ARE bad. Hopefully, fixing the sonics will bring back the EC150 values.
- A thermocouple appears to have been plugged in at sh on 19 Dec, but seems to have died on 21 Dec – just 2 days later. While it was plugged in, the data look good, though not exactly like tc (maybe a good thing). I do see noise above 3Hz during the day and 8Hz at night.
- Rfan.3m.prs is bad (T/RH ok). Housing should be replaced?
- Rlw.in.2m.prs not reporting (in the CVF4 housing) – another Binder issue?
Tsoil.mw is all -273. Hopefully, just a loose Binder connector.DONE, was loose Binder.- HRXL.cc stopped reporting 24 Dec.